Shearwater和搜索地震在巴西扩展了3D地震勘测,旨在覆盖10 000多平方公里。 Shearwater and Searcher Seismic expand 3D seismic survey in Brazil, aiming to cover over 10,000 sq km.
巴西Pelotas流域的3D地震调查第二阶段已经开始。 Shearwater Geoservices and Searcher Seismic have started the second phase of a 3D seismic survey in Brazil's Pelotas Basin. 他们利用南太后高级船只,打算将勘测范围扩大到1万平方公里以上。 Using the advanced SW Empress vessel, they aim to expand the survey to over 10,000 sq km. 该项目力求提供详细的地质洞察力,协助更快的决策,并有可能导致碳氢化合物的发现。 This project seeks to offer detailed geological insights, aiding in faster decision-making and potentially leading to hydrocarbon discoveries. 该地区与纳米比亚和南非橙色盆地的地质联系增加了其勘探潜力。 The area's geological link to the Orange Basin in Namibia and South Africa adds to its exploration potential.