Shearwater地球服务公司与安哥拉境外的能源公司签订了为期三个月的OBN调查合同。 Shearwater Geoservices secures a three-month OBN survey contract with TotalEnergies off Angola.
Shearwater Geoservices公司已经从 " 能源总公司 " 获得第二份合同,在安哥拉境外进行为期三个月的洋底节点调查,涉及Golfinho和Cameia油田。 Shearwater Geoservices has secured a second contract from TotalEnergies for a three-month ocean bottom node (OBN) survey off Angola, covering the Golfinho and Cameia fields. 该项目将利用其珍珠节点和两用ROV装备的SW Tasman两用设备,从先前的合同开始,该项目将继续下去。 Utilizing its Pearl node and dual ROV-equipped SW Tasman, the project will continue from a prior contract. 首席执行官Irene Waage Basili强调了这些项目在西非展示其长期战略的有效性和推进OBN技术方面的重要性。 CEO Irene Waage Basili emphasized the significance of these projects in demonstrating the effectiveness of their long-term strategy and advancing OBN technology in West Africa.