中士 军士 Tun Tran接受拜登总统颁发的瓦勒奖章,用于从冰池中救出妇女。 Sgt. Tu Tran receives Medal of Valor from President Biden for rescuing woman from icy pond.
中士 军士 Sgt. 林肯警察局的图·特兰因在2023年2月在冰的池中从一辆沉没的汽车中救出一名女性而被总统乔·拜登授予了英勇奖章. Tu Tran of the Lincoln Police Department was awarded the Medal of Valor by President Joe Biden for his heroic rescue of a woman from a sinking car in an icy pond in February 2023. 2022年9月,Tran也协助进行了一次水救援。 Tran also aided in a water rescue in September 2022. 英勇勋章是国家最高荣誉 给公共安全人员, 承认非凡的勇敢。 The Medal of Valor is the nation's highest honor for public safety officers, recognizing exceptional bravery. Tran和另外7名受奖者,包括介入学校枪击事件的军官和救人脱离焚烧建筑物的消防员,在白宫获得荣誉。 Tran and seven other recipients, including officers who intervened in a school shooting and firefighters who rescued people from burning buildings, were honored at the White House.