总统乔·拜登将向内战士兵菲利普·G·沙得拉克和乔治·D·威尔逊颁发荣誉勋章,以表彰他们在联邦领土上大胆盗窃火车和破坏任务的行为。 President Joe Biden to award Medal of Honor to Civil War soldiers Philip G. Shadrach and George D. Wilson for their daring train theft and mission sabotage in Confederate territory.
总统乔·拜登将向两名内战中的联邦士兵菲利普·G·沙得拉赫和乔治·D·威尔逊颁发荣誉勋章,以表彰他们英勇地窃取了一列火车,并将其开往 87 英里以北穿越邦联领土。 President Joe Biden will award the Medal of Honor to two Union soldiers from the Civil War, Philip G. Shadrach and George D. Wilson, for their courageous role in stealing a train and driving it 87 miles north through Confederate territory. 士兵们在执行任务期间摧毁了铁轨和电报线路,如今这项任务将获得美国最高军事奖项。 The soldiers destroyed railroad tracks and telegraph lines during their mission, which will now be honored with the highest military award in the United States.