拜登总统将向内战期间劫持火车、扰乱南方邦联补给线的凶手颁发荣誉勋章。 President Biden to award Medal of Honor for Civil War train hijacking disrupting Confederate supply lines.
拜登总统将向两名内战时期的联邦士兵颁发荣誉勋章,以表彰他们在南部邦联领土上大胆劫持火车的举动。 President Biden will award the Medal of Honor to two Union soldiers from the Civil War for their daring hijacking of a train in Confederate territory. 他们驾驶机车行驶了 87 英里,对铁轨和电报线造成了损坏,严重扰乱了南方邦联的补给线,并帮助了北方联邦的事业。 They drove the locomotive 87 miles, causing damage to railroad tracks and telegraph lines, which significantly disrupted Confederate supply lines and aided the Union's cause. 这是这一享有盛誉的军事奖项首次因冲突期间的火车盗窃行为而颁发。 This marks the first time the prestigious military award will be given for an act of train theft during the conflict.