自行驾驶的汽车公司敦促美国制定快速管理条例,减轻受伤后事故的壁垒。 Self-driving car firms urge U.S. to fast-track regulations, ease barriers post-injury incident.
美国自行驾驶的汽车公司敦促政府加快自行驾驶车辆的部署,消除监管障碍。 US self-driving car companies are urging the government to speed up the deployment of autonomous vehicles and remove regulatory barriers. 机动车辆工业协会(AVIA)呼吁美国交通部在车辆设计和性能方面发挥更积极的作用,认为联邦的不作为造成了不确定性。 The Autonomous Vehicle Industry Association (AVIA) has called for the US Department of Transportation to play a more active role in vehicle design and performance, arguing that federal inaction has created uncertainty. AVIA还力求澄清,在自动化车辆中,人力管制是不必要的,并简化部署程序。 AVIA also seeks to clarify that human controls are unnecessary in automated vehicles and to streamline deployment processes. 这一推动是在一名行人被自动驾驶汽车伤害后发生的,导致 USDOT 进行调查。 This push comes after a pedestrian was injured by a self-driving vehicle, leading to investigations by the USDOT.