北达科他州环保局因推迟批准州煤炭废物管理计划而被起诉。 North Dakota sues EPA for delaying approval of state's coal waste management program.
北达科他州总检察长Drew Wrigley计划起诉环保局在审查国家管制燃煤残留物的申请方面出现拖延。 North Dakota Attorney General Drew Wrigley plans to sue the EPA over its delay in reviewing the state's application to regulate coal combustion residuals (CCR). 美国环境质量部已经管理CCR50年了. The state's Department of Environmental Quality has managed CCR for 50 years. Wrigley旨在迫使环保局批准州方案,并支付任何相关的法律费用。 Wrigley aims to compel the EPA to approve the state's program and cover any associated legal costs.