北达科他州总检察长为多州诉讼辩护,声称这些诉讼保护国家利益,而不是政治。 North Dakota's Attorney General defends multistate lawsuits, stating they protect state interests, not politics.
北达科他州总检察长Drew Wrigley为他的办公室参与48起多州诉讼辩护,强调这些诉讼不是出于政治动机,而是旨在保护国家利益。 North Dakota Attorney General Drew Wrigley defends his office's involvement in 48 multistate lawsuits, emphasizing they are not politically motivated but rather aimed at protecting state interests. 关键案例包括挑战拜登行政当局的保健和变性人体育规则。 Key cases include challenging the Biden administration's healthcare and transgender sports rules. Wrigley也注意到两党努力, 例如针对Facebook和Instagram的法律诉讼, 指控儿童使用上瘾的社交媒体。 Wrigley also notes bipartisan efforts, such as a lawsuit against Facebook and Instagram for addicted social media use by children.