约旦和叙利亚组成联合安全委员会,以打击走私和伊斯兰国重新抬头。 Jordan and Syria form a joint security committee to combat smuggling and ISIS resurgence.
约旦和叙利亚已同意组成一个联合安全委员会,以加强边境安全和打击走私毒品,如斗牛和武器。 Jordan and Syria have agreed to form a joint security committee to enhance border security and combat smuggling of drugs like captagon and weapons. 这一协作旨在防止伊斯兰国重新抬头,并包括经济和能源合作。 This collaboration aims to prevent the resurgence of ISIS and includes economic and energy cooperation. 在叙利亚最近领导人更迭和美国放松制裁之后,两国外交部长之间的会晤表明关系有所改善。 The meetings between the foreign ministers of both countries signal improved ties, following Syria's recent leadership changes and the US easing of sanctions.