中国流感病例激增,导致抗病毒药物Xofluza需求和价格上升。 Influenza cases surge in China, driving up demand and price for antiviral drug Xofluza.
中国季节性流感病例激增,增加了对抗病毒药物Xofluza(baloxavir marboxil)的需求。 Cases of seasonal influenza in China have surged, boosting demand for the antiviral drug Xofluza (baloxavir marboxil). 经核准用于5岁及5岁以上成人和儿童,该药物的价格在电子商务平台上上涨。 Approved for use in adults and children aged 5 and above, the drug's price has risen on e-commerce platforms. 卫生专家警告不要在没有医生建议的情况下囤积和服用药物。 Health experts caution against hoarding the medication and administering it without a doctor's advice. 中国唯一的供应商Roche保证有足够的库存。 Roche, the sole supplier in China, assures there is sufficient stock available.