印度轮胎公司对INROAD项目投资100卢比,以提高东北部和西孟加拉邦的橡胶生产和质量。 Indian tyre firms invest Rs 100 crore in Project INROAD to boost rubber production and quality in Northeast and West Bengal.
印度的轮胎制造商,包括阿波罗、CEAT、JK和MRF,正通过INROAD项目在东北部和西孟加拉部分地区投资100卢比,以促进橡胶生产和提高橡胶质量。 Tyre manufacturers in India, including Apollo, CEAT, JK, and MRF, are investing Rs 100 crore in the Northeast and parts of West Bengal through Project INROAD to boost rubber production and quality. 该倡议得到汽车轮胎制造商协会的支持,在94个地区扩大了橡胶种植园,面积超过125 272公顷。 The initiative, supported by the Automotive Tyre Manufacturers Association (ATMA), has expanded rubber plantations over 125,272 hectares across 94 districts. 该项目还旨在提高种植者的技能和基础设施,包括模范烟屋和加工中心,以提高橡胶质量和获得更好的价格。 The project also aims to improve grower skills and infrastructure, including model smokehouses and processing centers, to enhance rubber quality and fetch better prices.