在布里里昂的57号公路发生正面碰撞,造成一名69岁男子死亡,另外两人受伤。 A head-on collision on Highway 57 in Brillion killed a 69-year-old man and injured two others.
星期一下午5时40分左右,在Calumet县Brillion的57号公路上发生了致命正面碰撞。 一名驾驶一辆SUV的69岁Green Bay男子在越过中线撞上一辆小卡车后,当场死亡。 A fatal head-on collision occurred on Highway 57 in Brillion, Calumet County, on Monday at around 5:40 p.m. A 69-year-old Green Bay man driving an SUV died at the scene after crossing the center line and hitting a pickup truck. 一辆SUV的一位52岁的女乘客和一辆小卡车的59岁的司机因无生命危险受伤而住院治疗。 A 52-year-old woman passenger in the SUV and the 59-year-old driver of the pickup truck were hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.