伊利诺伊州伊利诺伊州Effingham发生正面碰撞,James Ashley丧生,一对夫妇受伤,高速公路关闭数小时。 A head-on collision in Effingham, Illinois, killed James Ashley and injured a couple, closing the highway for hours.
周六上午6: 30左右在伊利诺伊州伊利诺伊州Effingham, 在靠近南班克街45号的美国高速公路上发生致命正面碰撞。 A fatal head-on collision occurred Saturday morning around 6:30 a.m. in Effingham, Illinois, on U.S. Highway 45 near South Banker Street. James Ashley, 41岁,在1999年道奇·杜兰戈进入对面的车道后死亡,与一辆2024年由Scott Mosher(64岁)和他的妻子Kathy(61岁)驾驶的GMC小卡车和露营车相撞。 James Ashley, 41, died after his 1999 Dodge Durango crossed into the opposite lane and collided with a 2024 GMC pickup truck and camper driven by Scott Mosher, 64, and his wife Kathy, 61. 摩舍尔人受伤,但并非危及生命。 The Moshers were injured but not life-threateningly. 该公路被关闭至上午10时45分。 目前正在进行调查,可能涉及医疗问题;最后报告需要30天。 The highway was closed until 10:45 a.m. An investigation is ongoing, with medical issues possibly involved; final reports will take 30 days.