艺术家挑战佛罗里达州禁止国家机构雇用抵制以色列的人的法律。 Artists challenge Florida law banning state agencies from hiring those boycotting Israel.
抵制以色列的艺术家正在挑战佛罗里达州禁止国家机构雇用他们的法律,认为这侵犯了他们的第一修正案的权利。 Artists boycotting Israel are challenging Florida's law that bans state agencies from hiring them, arguing it violates their First Amendment rights. 30多个州也有类似的法律,但这些艺术家声称这些限制侵犯了他们的言论自由。 More than 30 states have similar laws, but these artists claim the restrictions infringe on their freedom of speech. 辩论凸显了支持以色列的政府政策与抗议以色列的个人权利之间的紧张关系。 The debate highlights tensions between government policies supporting Israel and individual rights to protest against it.