芝加哥争议性艺术展览将美国和以色列与战争罪行联系起来, Chicago's controversial art exhibit linking U.S. and Israel to war crimes sparks free speech versus antisemitism debate.
在芝加哥文化中心举办的题为“美国-以色列战争机器”的有争议艺术展览引发了反犹主义和言论自由的辩论。 A controversial art exhibit at Chicago's Cultural Center titled "U.S.-Israel War Machine" has sparked debate over antisemitism and free speech. 这篇文章将萨姆叔叔和以色列总理内塔尼亚胡描述为杀人犯,导致人们呼吁将其从市长和一些居民手中移走。 The piece, depicting Uncle Sam and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu as murderers, has led to calls for its removal from city alderpersons and some residents. 然而,其他人支持艺术作品,市长和文化事务专员为艺术作品辩护。 However, others support the artwork, and the mayor and cultural affairs commissioner have defended it. 在市议会的一次会议上,辩论升级,导致一名名叫Alderman的人在被指控的点名后被开除。 The debate escalated during a City Council meeting, resulting in an alderman being ejected after alleged name-calling. 该艺术品在接受审查时仍在展出。 The artwork remains on display as it undergoes review.