Apple更新AI通知摘要, 将它们贴上英国广播公司批评后产生的AI的标签。 Apple updates AI notification summaries to label them as AI-generated after BBC criticism.
在英国广播公司对不准确和误导性摘要的抱怨之后,苹果公司正在修改其AI产生的通知摘要,称为苹果情报。 Apple is making changes to its AI-generated notification summaries, called Apple Intelligence, after complaints from the BBC about inaccurate and misleading summaries. 在即将到来的软件更新中,当这些摘要是AI生成时,苹果公司将更清楚地说明这一点。 In an upcoming software update, Apple will make it clearer when these summaries are AI-generated. 虽然该公司正在努力改进模型,但用户仍然可以关掉功能,或选择哪些应用程序在其设置中使用该功能。 While the company is working on improving the model, users can still turn off the feature or choose which apps use it in their settings.