纽约开发商在生日时, 透过苹果的人工智能功能, 收到意想不到的分手讯息。 New York developer receives unexpected breakup message via Apple's AI feature on his birthday.
在 Apple 的新功能 Apple Intelligence 的一个突出例子中,纽约开发人员 Nick Spreen 收到了一条分手消息,总结为“不再处于恋爱关系中;想要公寓里的东西。这发生在他的生日那天,并在社交媒体上分享,迅速引起了人们的关注。 In a striking example of Apple's new AI feature, Apple Intelligence, a New York developer, Nick Spreen, received a breakup message summarized as “No longer in a relationship; wants belongings from the apartment.” This occurred on his birthday and was shared on social media, quickly gaining attention. 其目的在于提高生产力,但该特征的情感敏感性可能需要改进,特别是个人事务。 While designed to enhance productivity, the feature's emotional sensitivity may need improvement, especially for personal matters. 预计不久将全面更新iOS 18.1。 The full iOS 18.1 update is expected soon.