由于对准确性的关切,苹果公司在其最新的操作系统更新中禁用AI生成的新闻摘要。 Apple disables AI-generated news summaries in its latest OS updates due to accuracy concerns.
由于准确性问题,苹果暂时禁用了最新的iOS、iPadOS和macOS等乙型版本的AI生成的新闻摘要。 Apple has temporarily disabled its AI-generated news summaries in the latest beta versions of iOS, iPadOS, and macOS due to accuracy issues. 该功能是苹果情报的一部分,因在通知中散布错误信息而受到批评。 The feature, part of Apple Intelligence, was criticized for spreading misinformation in notifications. Apple 计划在改进后在今后更新时重新引入该功能。 Apple plans to reintroduce the feature in a future update after improvements. 用户现在可以选择禁用特定应用程序的摘要, 并在设置 App 中添加警告, 指出摘要可能包含错误 。 Users now have the option to disable summaries for specific apps and a warning is added to the Settings app, stating that summaries may contain errors.