世界战争孤儿日突出表明了在战争中失去父母的儿童的斗争和需要。 World Day of War Orphans highlights the struggles and needs of children who lost parents in wars.
1月6日的世界战争孤儿日凸显了因战争而失去父母的儿童的斗争。 World Day of War Orphans on January 6 highlights the struggles of children who have lost parents due to war. 这些儿童往往缺乏基本权利和机会。 These children often lack basic rights and opportunities. 该日由Détress的SOS儿童村创立,呼吁提供全球支持,为这些儿童提供照料、教育和保护。 Founded by SOS Enfants en Détresses, the day calls for global support to provide these children with care, education, and protection. 活动提请注意冲突地区儿童和受气候变化影响儿童的需要,强调确保他们的安全和权利的重要性。 The event draws attention to the needs of children in conflict zones and those affected by climate change, emphasizing the importance of ensuring their safety and rights. 鼓励人民分享信息和支持为改善战争孤儿生活所作的努力。 People are encouraged to share messages and support efforts to improve the lives of war orphans.