研究将水中较高的氟化物水平与儿童较低的智商分数联系起来,引发了安全辩论。 Study links higher fluoride levels in water to lower IQ scores in children, sparking safety debate.
最近对JAMA儿科的研究将饮用水中较高的氟化物水平与儿童较低的智商分数联系起来。 A recent study in JAMA Pediatrics links higher fluoride levels in drinking water to lower IQ scores in children. 研究人员分析了来自10个国家的74项研究,发现每增加1毫克/升的氟化物接触量与智商分数下降相关联。 Analyzing 74 studies from 10 countries, researchers found that each 1 mg/L increase in fluoride exposure was associated with a drop in IQ scores. 虽然对每个人的影响似乎不大,但累积效应可能很大。 Although the impact per individual may seem small, the cumulative effect could be significant. 批评者认为,这项研究包括来自氟化物含量比美国建议的要高得多的地区的数据,令人对其适用性产生疑问。 Critics argue that the study includes data from areas with much higher fluoride levels than recommended in the US, raising questions about its applicability. 研究结果引发了关于水供应中氟化物安全的新辩论。 The findings have sparked renewed debate about the safety of fluoride in water supplies.