Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 说特朗普政府会从美国饮用水中除去氟化物。 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said a Trump administration would remove fluoride from U.S. drinking water.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 声称,如果Donald Trump重新当选,他的政府会设法在就职第一天从美国的饮用水中去除氟化物。 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. claimed that if Donald Trump is re-elected, his administration would seek to remove fluoride from U.S. drinking water on the first day in office. Kennedy是一位众所周知的被揭发的健康理论的倡导者,他在社交媒体上发表了这一声明,引起了人们对他对公共卫生政策的影响的关切。 Kennedy, a known advocate of debunked health theories, made this statement on social media, raising concerns about his influence on public health policy. 自 1950 年代以来,氟化物被添加到水中,因其在减少蛀牙方面的益处而受到主要卫生组织的支持。 Fluoride, added to water since the 1950s, is supported by major health organizations for its benefits in reducing cavities.