RBI提出了新的信用报告准则,加强了客户通知和数据纠正权。 RBI introduces new guidelines for credit reporting, enhancing customer notification and data correction rights.
印度储备银行推出了新的准则,使银行和金融机构的信贷报告标准化。 The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) introduced new guidelines to standardize credit reporting by banks and financial institutions. 信贷信息公司在查阅其信贷信息报告时,必须通过短信或电子邮件通知客户。 Credit Information Companies must notify customers via SMS or email when their Credit Information Report is accessed. 银行和金融公司必须提供拒绝数据更正请求的理由。 Banks and financial companies must provide reasons if they reject data correction requests. 如果投诉在30天内未得到解决,客户有权获得赔偿。 Customers are entitled to compensation if complaints are unresolved within 30 days.