爱尔兰的一家酒吧在大雪下发生室外可收回的屋顶倒塌,取消了一些事件,并造成关闭。 A pub in Ireland had its outdoor retractable roof collapse under heavy snow, canceling events and causing closures.
Co Cork Charleville一家拥有的酒吧在14英寸雪下看到可收回的户外屋顶坍塌,造成严重损坏。 A family-owned pub in Charleville, Co Cork, saw its retractable outdoor roof collapse under 14 inches of snow, causing significant damage. 该屋顶容纳了大约500人,因重量重而系上安全带,导致1月事件取消。 The roof, which accommodates about 500 people, buckled due to the weight, leading to the cancellation of January events. 酒吧尽管投保了保险,但仍面临巨大的经济损失,将关闭几天进行维修。 Despite being insured, the pub faces substantial financial losses and will be closed for a few days for repairs.