由于严重降雪和停电,在6个爱尔兰州暂停交货。 An Post suspends deliveries in six Irish counties due to severe snowfall and power outages.
爱尔兰邮政局的邮报已暂停在科克、克里、基尔肯尼、利默里克、提佩拉里和威克洛部分地区的交货,原因是大雪造成危险的道路状况和停电。 An Post, Ireland's postal service, has suspended deliveries in Cork, Kerry, Kilkenny, Limerick, Tipperary, and parts of Wicklow due to heavy snowfall causing hazardous road conditions and power outages. 这些地区的邮局也关闭,重新开放取决于恢复电力和进出。 Post offices in these areas are also closed, with reopening dependent on restored power and access. 安全是重中之重,有关服务的最新情况可在“邮局”网站上查阅。 Safety is the top priority, and updates on services are available on An Post's website.