巴基斯坦首相下令采取严格的法律行动,打击贩运人口,包括没收财产和引渡。 Pakistan's PM orders strict legal action against human trafficking, including property confiscation and extradition.
巴基斯坦总理谢巴兹·谢里夫下令采取严格的法律行动打击人口贩运,包括没收贩运者的财产。 Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif of Pakistan has ordered strict legal action against human trafficking, including confiscating traffickers' properties. 他还指示外交部寻求引渡在国外活动的贩运者,并要求开展关于合法海外就业的公众宣传运动。 He also directed the Foreign Office to seek extradition of traffickers operating abroad and asked for a public awareness campaign on legal overseas employment. 政府将促进对经过认证的专业人员进行技术培训,并为起诉任命高级律师。 The government will promote technical training for certified professionals and appoint top lawyers for prosecution.