巴基斯坦领导人谴责在希腊附近船只事故造成国民死亡后贩运人口的行为。 Pakistani leaders condemn human trafficking after boat accident near Greece kills nationals.
巴基斯坦领导人对巴基斯坦国民在希腊附近发生的一次船只事故中丧生表示悲痛,该事件称人口贩运是令人发指的罪行。 Pakistani leaders express sorrow over the deaths of Pakistani nationals in a boat accident near Greece, calling human trafficking a heinous crime. 扎尔达里总统和谢里夫总理都敦促迅速采取行动,打击贩运活动并防止今后发生悲剧。 President Zardari and Prime Minister Sharif both urged swift action to combat trafficking and prevent future tragedies. Sharif下令立即进行调查,并要求严格处罚贩运者。 Sharif ordered a prompt inquiry and called for strict punishments for traffickers.