纽约州奥奈达县因危险的湖泊效应暴风雪宣布进入紧急状态。 Oneida County, NY, declares State of Emergency due to dangerous lake-effect snowstorm.
纽约州奥奈达县已宣布进入紧急状态,因为一场极端的湖泊效应暴风雪导致大雪和危险情况,尤其是纽约州高速公路以北。 Oneida County, New York, has declared a State of Emergency due to an extreme lake-effect snowstorm causing heavy snowfall and dangerous conditions, especially north of the New York State Thruway. 县长 Anthony Picente Jr. 敦促居民避免不必要的旅行,以帮助犁和应急人员安全工作。 County Executive Anthony Picente Jr. urged residents to avoid unnecessary travel to help plows and emergency crews work safely. 紧急状态一直有效,直至另行通知。 The state of emergency remains in effect until further notice.