新母亲Morgan Hughes在双胞胎出生后9天死于产后心血管病。 New mother Morgan Hughes died from postpartum cardiomyopathy nine days after twin birth.
Morgan Hughes, 23岁,犹他州妇女,在生下双胞胎后九天死于产后的心血管病,这是罕见的心脏病,影响大约千分之一的活产儿。 Morgan Hughes, a 23-year-old Utah woman, died nine days after giving birth to twins due to postpartum cardiomyopathy, a rare heart condition affecting about 1 in 2,000 live births. Hughes尽管分娩顺利,但迅速恶化,12月28日心脏停跳。 Despite a smooth delivery, Hughes rapidly deteriorated and went into cardiac arrest on December 28. 造成这种情况的原因不清楚,但风险因素包括多胞胎和高血压怀孕。 The cause of the condition is unclear, but risk factors include pregnancies with multiples and high blood pressure. 她的双胞胎仍留在新生儿特别护理科。 Her twins remain in the neonatal intensive care unit.