一岁的 Bertie Rees 因疑似唇疱疹去医院就诊,被诊断为“心脏上有洞”,即室间隔缺损 (VSD)。 1-year-old Bertie Rees diagnosed with a 'hole in his heart', ventricular septal defect (VSD), after initial hospital visit for a suspected cold sore.
新生儿伯蒂·里斯因疑似唇疱疹而首次入院就诊,被诊断为“心脏上有洞”,即室间隔缺损 (VSD)。 Newborn Bertie Rees was diagnosed with a 'hole in his heart', ventricular septal defect (VSD), after initial hospital visit for a suspected cold sore. 父母加布里埃尔·布莱恩 (Gabrielle Bryan) 和泰勒·里斯 (Tyler Rees) 向心脏英雄 (Heart Heroes)(一个为心脏病儿童提供帮助的慈善机构)寻求支持,现在他们为该慈善机构筹集资金并提高人们的认识,强调在怀孕期间检测心脏病的重要性。 Parents Gabrielle Bryan and Tyler Rees seek support from Heart Heroes, a charity for children with heart conditions, and now fundraise and raise awareness for the charity, emphasizing the importance of detecting heart conditions during pregnancy.