墨西哥城的“Kings Punks”倡议在三个国王日向贫困儿童分发玩具。 Mexico City's "Kings Punks" initiative distributes toys to underprivileged kids on Three Kings Day.
在墨西哥城, José Luis Escobar Hoyos 于35年前启动的“Kings Punks”倡议, 在三王日向贫困儿童分发玩具。 In Mexico City, the "Kings Punks" initiative, started 35 years ago by José Luis Escobar Hoyos, distributes toys to underprivileged children on Three Kings Day. 它最初只是一个展示朋克文化积极一面的小活动,现在已经发展到包括移民营地。 Beginning as a small act to show the positive side of punk culture, it has grown to include migrant encampments. 自愿者,如鞋匠马科斯·格兰德,捐赠物品并参与这项努力,给可能得不到礼物的儿童带来欢乐。 Volunteers, like shoemaker Marcos Grande, donate items and join in the effort, bringing joy to children who might not otherwise receive gifts.