基金会向在麦西感恩节游行前排座位的第一反应者家属致敬。 Foundation honors families of first responders with front-row seats at Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
第一反应者儿童基金会在曼哈顿第23次年度感恩节游行中为超过1,500个第一反应者家庭颁发了荣誉,为梅西游行提供了前排座位。 The First Responders Children's Foundation honored over 1,500 families of first responders at its 23rd annual pre-Thanksgiving Day Parade event in Manhattan, offering them front-row seats to the Macy’s Parade. 这次活动得到了CSX和Turken Health McCauley赞助者的支持,其中包括娱乐、食物和仪式方面的贵宾经验。 The event, supported by sponsors CSX and Turken Health McCauley, included a VIP experience with entertainment, food, and a ceremony. 该基金会支助消防员、警察和其他急救人员的子女,并提供咨询和赠款等资源。 The Foundation, which supports children of firefighters, police, and other first responders, also provides resources like counseling and grants.