哈萨克斯坦与Alstom合作,开发具有成本效益的火车头,促进就业和出口。 Kazakhstan partners with Alstom to develop cost-effective locomotives, boosting jobs and exports.
哈萨克斯坦正在与法国Alstom公司开发先进的机车,目标是降低40%的成本,提高20%的效率。 Kazakhstan is developing advanced locomotives with French company Alstom, aiming for a 40% cost reduction and 20% efficiency increase. 阿斯塔纳工厂生产了380多辆货运机车和70辆客运机车,向阿塞拜疆出口80辆。 The Astana plant has produced over 380 freight and 70 passenger locomotives, exporting 80 to Azerbaijan. 总统托卡耶夫访问该设施,强调通过阿尔斯托姆对服务中心的投资推动当地生产,创造700个新就业机会。 President Tokayev visited the facility, highlighting local production boosts and the creation of 700 new jobs through Alstom's investment in service centers. 哈萨克斯坦的铁路行业涉及向25个国家出口的600多家公司。 Kazakhstan's railway industry involves over 600 companies exporting to 25 countries.