日本主要的LNG进口国Jera Co.建立了一个全球智囊团来预测能源趋势和风险。 Jera Co., Japan's leading LNG importer, establishes a global think tank to forecast energy trends and risks.
日本最大的LNG买家Jera Co. 已经启动了Jera全球研究所,分析国内和国际能源趋势。 Japan's top LNG buyer, Jera Co., has launched the Jera Global Institute to analyze domestic and international energy trends. 该智囊团于1月1日成立,目的是提出类似于壳牌公司情景小组的长期预测,以指导Jera的管理工作。 The think tank, established on January 1, aims to produce long-term forecasts similar to Shell's scenarios team to guide Jera's management. 该研究所拥有30多名工作人员,其中多数为日本人,计划将其研究扩大到美国、欧洲和亚洲,重点是去碳化、经济安全和地缘政治风险,以便为能源供应和需求战略提供信息。 With over 30 staff, mostly Japanese, the institute plans to expand its research to the US, Europe, and Asia, focusing on decarbonization, economic security, and geopolitical risks to inform energy supply and demand strategies.