爱尔兰服务部门在新企业和就业增长的推动下,在12月达到9个月的高峰。 Irish service sector hits nine-month high in December, fueled by new business and job growth.
爱尔兰服务部门在12月出现强劲增长,达到九个月的最高水平,尽管AIB爱尔兰服务PMI略微下降至57.1。 Ireland's service sector saw robust growth in December, reaching a nine-month high despite a slight drop in the AIB Ireland Services PMI to 57.1. 新企业,特别是来自国际客户的新企业,大幅增长,从而更快地创造了就业机会并提高了商业信心。 New business, especially from international clients, grew significantly, leading to faster job creation and increased business confidence. 虽然投入成本上升,包括工资通货膨胀,但该部门的增长超过了欧元区和联合王国,尽管比美国慢。 While input costs rose, including wage inflation, the sector's growth outpaced that of the euro zone and the UK, though it was slower than the US.