印度提出了新的大学聘用准则,扩大了教职员工资格,并强调创新。 India proposes new university hiring guidelines, broadening faculty eligibility and emphasizing innovation.
印度大学赠款委员会提出了雇用大学教职员工的新准则,允许候选人根据其最高学术专业进行教学,即使与以前的学位不同。 The University Grants Commission in India has proposed new guidelines for hiring university faculty, allowing candidates to teach based on their highest academic specialization, even if different from previous degrees. 草案还扩大了获得副主席角色的资格,并强调了整体评价,包括对教学创新和可持续性的贡献。 The draft also broadens eligibility for vice-chancellor roles and emphasizes holistic evaluations, including contributions to teaching innovation and sustainability. 它为瑜伽和体育等领域引入专门招聘,旨在使高等教育的招聘和晋升现代化。 It introduces specialized recruitment for fields like Yoga and sports, aiming to modernize higher education recruitment and promotion.