被指控犯有1980年代儿童性犯罪的前塔斯马尼亚警察;敦促公众报告有关信息。 Former Tasmanian cop charged with 1980s child sex offences; urged public to report related info.
一名目前居住在昆士兰的74岁的塔斯马尼亚退休警官被指控在1980年代犯有儿童性犯罪。 A 74-year-old retired Tasmanian police officer, now living in Queensland, has been charged with child sex offences allegedly committed in the 1980s. 他被塔斯马尼亚的警探逮捕,定于2月4日在伯尼出庭。 He was arrested by detectives from Tasmania and is scheduled to appear in court in Burnie on February 4. 警方正在敦促任何掌握儿童性虐待信息的人站出来,提供多种匿名举报选项。 Police are urging anyone with information about child sexual abuse to come forward, offering multiple anonymous reporting options.