前荣誉男孩领袖Enrique Tarrio因1月6日国会攻击被判处22年徒刑, 请求特朗普赦免。 Former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio, sentenced to 22 years for January 6 Capitol attack, seeks pardon from Trump.
前 Proud Boys 领导人恩里克·塔里奥 (Enrique Tarrio) 因在 2021 年 1 月 6 日国会大厦攻破事件中犯有煽动阴谋罪而被判处 22 年徒刑,他已要求当选总统唐纳德·特朗普赦免。 Former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio, sentenced to 22 years for seditious conspiracy in the January 6, 2021, Capitol breach, has asked President-elect Donald Trump for a pardon. Tarrio的律师辩称,袭击期间他没有在场,并声称判决出于政治动机。 Tarrio's lawyer argues he was not present during the attack and claims the sentence is politically motivated. 尽管他缺席,Tarrio仍因在策划这次活动中所起的作用而被定罪。 Despite his absence, Tarrio was convicted for his role in planning the event. 1,500多人被指控与国会违约事件有关。 Over 1,500 people have been charged in connection with the Capitol breach.