中国科学家组集濒危鲤鱼物种基因组,以协助养护工作。 Chinese scientists assemble genome of endangered carp species to aid conservation efforts.
中国科学家组装了第一批濒临严重濒危的奥谢托比乌斯-埃隆加图斯的高质量、染色体级基因组,这是长江中一种稀有的鲤鱼物种。 Chinese scientists have assembled the first high-quality, chromosomal-level genome of the critically endangered Ochetobius elongatus, a rare carp species from the Yangtze River. 研究由Lu Jiguo教授牵头,为了解物种多样性和独特的适应性提供了关键的遗传信息,有助于养护工作。 Led by Professor Lu Jianguo, the research provides crucial genetic information for understanding the species' diversity and unique adaptations, aiding conservation efforts. 未来工作将侧重于人工育种,以确保物种的可持续性。 Future work will focus on artificial breeding to ensure the species' sustainability.