澳大利亚农民拥有的肉类加工商NCMC投票成为公营公司,重新命名为赌场食品有限公司。 Australian farmer-owned meat processor NCMC votes to become a public company, rebranding as Casino Food Company Limited.
澳大利亚最大的农民拥有的肉类加工设施NCMC已投票成为一家未上市的公营公司,结束了合作社结构。 Australia's largest farmer-owned meat processing facility, NCMC, has voted to become an unlisted public company, ending its co-operative structure. Richmond Valley设施将重新命名为赌场食品有限公司,并适应不断变化的畜牧业,包括劳动力来源和成本上升等挑战。 The Richmond Valley facility will rebrand as Casino Food Company Limited and adapt to the changing livestock industry, including challenges like labor sourcing and rising costs. 预期在2月底完成的过渡将保留现有的董事,目的是更好地满足成员的需求。 The transition, expected to be complete by late February, retains existing directors and aims to better serve members' needs.