牛肉加工商优先自产,减少了较小品牌的定制杀菌服务。 Beef processors prioritize own production, reducing custom kill services for smaller brands.
牛肉加工商越来越多地将自己的生产列为优先事项,导致对较小品牌的定制杀菌服务减少。 Beef processors are increasingly prioritizing their own production, leading to a decline in custom kill services for smaller brands. 这一转变是由充足的牛供应和注重效率驱动的,引起了对小生产者的未来和消费者选择的关切。 This shift, driven by ample cattle supply and a focus on efficiency, raises concerns about the future of small producers and consumer choice. 许多加工者已经停止提供这些服务,认为支持竞争者在财政上不可行。 Many processors have stopped offering these services, arguing that it's not financially viable to support competitors. 联合王国政府正在解决类似的问题,为新的屠宰场提供资金。 The UK government is addressing similar issues with funding for new abattoirs.