在得克萨斯州,公共醉酒和零售盗窃等常见的非驾车犯罪可能导致巨额罚款或坐牢时间。 In Texas, common non-driving offenses like public intoxication and retail theft can lead to hefty fines or jail time.
在得克萨斯州,最常见的违反非驾车法包括公共醉酒,这可能导致罚款500美元,以及未成年人持有酒精,导致罚款和强制性班级。 In Texas, the most commonly broken non-driving laws include public intoxication, which can result in a $500 fine, and underage possession of alcohol, leading to fines and mandatory classes. 零售盗窃处罚从轻微罚款到几年监禁不等,而持有毒品可导致相当长的监狱时间。 Retail theft penalties range from minor fines to years in prison, while drug possession can result in significant prison time. 未经许可擅自侵犯私人或公共财产也会导致罚款或监禁时间,视情节轻重而定。 Trespassing on private or public property without permission can also lead to fines or jail time, depending on the severity.