得克萨斯州列出了前五项非驾车罪:酗酒、持有毒品、盗窃、未成年酗酒和非法侵入。 Texas outlines top five non-driving offenses: intoxication, drug possession, theft, underage alcohol, and trespassing.
在得克萨斯州,经常违反的五大非驾驶法是公众酗酒、C类轻罪,罚款500美元;持有非法毒品,罚款至监狱时间;零售盗窃,罚款或监禁;未成年人酗酒,罚款和强制性班级;非法侵入,罚款至监狱时间。 In Texas, the top five non-driving laws frequently broken are public intoxication, a Class C misdemeanor with a $500 fine; possession of illegal drugs, with penalties from fines to prison time; retail theft, punishable by fines or prison; underage alcohol possession, leading to fines and mandatory classes; and trespassing, with penalties from fines to jail time.