兰卡西雷的落雪扰乱了交通;由于路途滑坡,当局提出警告,要谨慎行事。 Snowfall in Lancashire disrupts traffic; authorities advise caution due to slippery roads.
落雪袭击了兰卡西雷,造成交通和旅行中断。 Snowfall has hit Lancashire, causing disruptions to traffic and travel. 地方当局正在提供关于道路状况和旅行咨询的实况最新消息,以帮助居民渡过冬季天气。 Local authorities are providing live updates on road conditions and travel advisories to help residents navigate through the winter weather. 由于道路滑坡和可能出现延误,司机应谨慎行事。 Drivers are advised to exercise caution due to slippery roads and potential delays.