阿曼苏丹颁布了新税法、私营部门刺激和盐提炼法令,以实现经济多样化。 Sultan of Oman issues decrees for new tax law, private sector boost, and salt extraction to diversify economy.
阿曼的Sultan Haitham bin Tarik发布了三项皇家法令。 Sultan Haitham bin Tarik of Oman issued three royal decrees. 第一部颁布新的税法,于2025年1月1日生效,对多国集团产生影响。 The first enacts a new tax law affecting multinational groups, effective January 1, 2025. 第二个国家批准了与欧佩克基金达成的促进私营部门经营的协议。 The second ratifies an agreement with the OPEC Fund to boost private sector operations. 第三家公司批准Naqa盐公司开采海水盐的特许权。 The third approves a concession for sea salt extraction by Naqa Salt Company. 这些政令旨在加强阿曼的经济多样化和国际合作。 These decrees aim to enhance Oman's economic diversification and international cooperation.