3月,国家保健服务系统应用程序升级,目的是简化病人护理,缩短等候时间,改善获得服务的机会。 NHS app upgrade in March aims to streamline patient care, reduce waiting times, and improve access.
NHS应用程序定于3月进行重大升级,使病人能够管理预约、接受测试结果和选择治疗地点,目的是缩短等候时间和改善获得医疗保健的机会。 The NHS app is set for a major upgrade in March, allowing patients to manage appointments, receive test results, and choose their treatment locations, aiming to reduce waiting times and improve healthcare access. 病人还将收到催复通知,要求减少未预约时间。 Patients will also receive reminders to cut down on missed appointments. 更新内容包括便利与专家进行全科医生咨询的功能,并通过咨询和指导计划引导病人接受适当护理。 The update includes features to facilitate GP consultations with specialists and direct patients to appropriate care through the Advice and Guidance Scheme.