Nanimo关闭了Bastion和商务街交叉路口,直至2月底,以便进行矿井维修。 Nanaimo closes Bastion and Commercial streets intersection until late February for mine void repairs.
从1月2日到2月底,纳尼莫市关闭了Bastion和商用街道的交叉路口,禁止车辆在1月2日至2月底之间进行钻井和灌注工作,以填补地下煤矿空隙。 The City of Nanaimo has closed the intersection of Bastion and Commercial streets to vehicle traffic from January 2nd until late February for drilling and grouting work to fill underground coal mine voids. 步行通道将保持开放,附近企业将继续营业,商业街沿线和巴斯蒂特街公园可免费停车2小时。 Pedestrian access will remain open, and nearby businesses will continue operating with free two-hour parking available along Commercial Street and at the Bastion Street Parkade.