Savona附近的1号公路在一次致命碰撞后关闭,造成1人死亡,3人住院。 Highway 1 near Savona closed after a fatal collision left one dead and three hospitalized.
不列颠哥伦比亚省Kamloops以西萨沃纳附近的1号高速公路在星期四上午发生致命碰撞后双向关闭。 Highway 1 near Savona, west of Kamloops, British Columbia, was closed in both directions after a fatal collision on Thursday morning. 事件涉及两辆汽车,导致3人住院,1人死亡。 The incident involved two vehicles, resulting in three people being hospitalized and one person dead. BC驱动器建议驾驶汽车者避开该地区,并监测道路关闭的最新情况。 DriveBC advises motorists to avoid the area and monitor updates on the road closure. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.