在科尼岛公寓被致命枪杀的男子;2025年在区首起杀人案。 Man fatally shot at Coney Island apartment; first homicide of 2025 in precinct.
一名41岁的男子星期天早上在布鲁克林科尼岛的公寓楼里被致命枪击身亡。 A 41-year-old man was fatally shot Sunday morning at an apartment complex in Coney Island, Brooklyn. 上午7时15分左右发现多处枪伤,他被赶到纽约大学Langone医院-布鲁克林不久死亡。 Found with multiple gunshot wounds around 7:15 a.m., he died shortly after being rushed to NYU Langone Hospital-Brooklyn. 这是第60区第一起2025年的凶杀案 今年纽约市第7起 This is the first homicide of 2025 in the 60th Precinct and the seventh in New York City this year. 警察没有逮捕任何人,目前正在调查这一事件。 Police have not made any arrests and are investigating the incident.