蒂姆·罗宾逊 (Tim Robinson) 和山姆·理查森 (Sam Richardson) 主演了 Totino's Pizza Rolls 的暖心、外星人模仿超级碗广告。 Tim Robinson and Sam Richardson star in a heartwarming, E.T.-parodying Super Bowl ad for Totino's Pizza Rolls.
喜剧迪奥·蒂姆·鲁滨逊和山姆·理查森 在托蒂诺披萨卷的超级碗广告中演出 模仿电影E. T. Comedy duo Tim Robinson and Sam Richardson are starring in a Super Bowl ad for Totino's Pizza Rolls, parodying the film E.T. 外星人。 The Extra-Terrestrial. 广告名为“Chazmo Finally Goes Home”, 特别向外星人物Chazmo告别, The ad, titled "Chazmo Finally Goes Home," features a farewell to the alien character Chazmo, following up from last year's spot. 该广告由Alice Mathias导演, 将在2月9日超级碗LIX期间播出, The commercial, directed by Alice Mathias, is set to air during Super Bowl LIX on February 9th and is generating buzz for its humor and heartwarming send-off.