约旦于2024年授予531名外国投资者公民身份,以刺激其经济和吸引投资。 Jordan granted citizenship to 531 foreign investors in 2024 to boost its economy and attract investment.
到2024年底,约旦作为其投资方案的一部分,授予531名外国投资者公民身份。 By the end of 2024, Jordan granted citizenship to 531 foreign investors as part of its investment program. 申请由投资部的一个技术委员会审查并由内阁批准。 Applications were reviewed by a technical committee within the Ministry of Investment and approved by the Cabinet. 这一举措旨在根据经济现代化愿景吸引外国直接投资。 This initiative aims to attract foreign direct investment under the Economic Modernization Vision. 投资者获得公民身份或最多5年的可续延居住权、获得服务、融入家庭、促进经济和创造就业机会。 Investors receive citizenship or up to five years of renewable residency, access to services, and family inclusion, boosting the economy and creating jobs.